United States Physical Map

Physical map of the United States, Lambert equal area projection

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About the geography of the US

The United States's landscape is one of the most varied among those of the world's nations. The East consists largely of rolling hills and temperate forests. The Appalachian Mountains form a line of low mountains in the Eastern U.S. The five Great Lakes are located in the north-central portion of the country, four of them forming part of the border with Canada. The Southeast largely contains subtropical forests and mangrove, especially in Florida. West of the Appalachians, the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys and the Midwest consist largely of rolling hills and productive farmland, stretching south to the Gulf Coast.
The western part of the US is mountainous (Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada). The Mississippi-Missouri is the USA's longest river.
Washington DC (District of Columbia) is the capital and New York City is the USA's largest city.

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