Brazil Physical Map

Brazil Physical Map

Physical map of Brazil

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Brazil physical features

Brazil is the biggest of all the countries on the South American continent, in terms of land area and population numbers as well. It occupies the eastern and central parts of the continent. Its terrain is not showing any redundant diversity though. The two major physical features are the Amazon Basin on the north, and the Brazilian Highlands on the southern regions.

The Amazon Basin is a vast plain, with huge rivers intersecting its surface, coming from the Andes Mountains, the Brazilian Highlands and the Guyana Uplands. The largest of these is obviously the Amazon River, with dozens of large tributaries on both the southern and northern banks. The most notable of these tributaries are the Juruá, Purus, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu and Araguaia rivers on the south, while the Negro and Branco rivers are the largest on the northern side. The basin is bordered by the Brazilian Highlands on the south, and the Guyana Upland on the northern sections of the Brazil map.

The Brazilian Highlands are a system of plateaus, mountains, uplands, reaching as far as 2000 meters in height. Its elevation is decreasing towards the inner territories of the continent. The highest point is Pico da Bandeira, located in the Espinhaço Mountain range, at 2890 meters above sea level. The two major river of this region, that are not part of the Amazon river system is the Paraná river, flowing southwards, and the São Francisco river, going towards the north, then turning east emptying into the Atlantic as well.

The Guiana Highlands have their smaller southern parts cutting into Brazilian territory. This is where the highest summit of the country is to be found, namely Pico da Neblina, with an elevation of just above 3000 meters.

Bordering countries:
Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana

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