Saskatchewan physical map

Saskatchewan map

Physical map of Saskatchewan, physical features of Saskatchewan

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Information about the physical features of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is one of the ten provinces of Canada, lying in the southern section of the country, between Alberta and Manitoba. The northern part of the province is occupied by the Canadian shield, while the southern area is part of the Interior Plains. The highes point of Saskatchewan can be found in the Cypress Hills lying in the southwestern part of the province.
Saskatchewan's capital is Regina, while the most populous city is Saskatoon.

List of the geographical names of Saskatchewan as shown on the map

Main cities:

Lloydminster, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina, Saskatoon, Yorkton, Swift Current, North Battleford, Estevan, Weyburn, Flin Flon

Major rivers of Saskatchewan:

Saskatchewan, Assiniboine, South Saskatchewan, Beaver

Major lakes of Saskatchewan:

Lake Athabasca, Reindeer Lake, Wollaston Lake, Lake Ronge, Cree Lake

Mountains, regions:

Cypress Hills
Saskatchewan relief

Topography of Saskatchewan, shaded relief physical map of Saskatchewan

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Saskatchewan location map
Location map of Saskatchewan

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