Canada Physical Map

Canada Physical Map

Physical map of Canada, Lambert-Gauss conformal conical projection

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Canada geography information

Natural, immense and diverse, Canada is the second largest country in the world and with 28 million inhabitants, the nation's population is comparatively small in contrast with the geographical size.

Canada consists mainly of plains, with mountains (Rocky Mountains, Coast Mountains, MacKenzie Range) in the west, and lowlands in the southeast. Northern part of the country is an arctic archipelago, including the larger islands of Ellesmere Island, Baffin Island, Victoria Island, Banks Island, Queen Elizabeth Islands. Northernmost point of Canada is Cape Columbia on Ellesmere Island. Lakes include part of the Great Lakes (Erie, Huron, Ontario and Superior), the Great Bear, the Great Slave Lake, Lake Athabasca and Lake Winnipeg. Major rivers are the St Lawrence, MacKenzie, Saskatchewan, Fraser, Yukon rivers.
Highest peak is the Mount Logan at 5951 m above sea level near the border with Alaska Ottawa is the capital. Other important cities include Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg.

Natural, immense and diverse; few places in the world can lay claim to the variety of landscapes, vibrant cities and untouched wilderness in Canada.

Canada relief

Relief map of Canada

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