Nova Scotia physical map

Nova Scotia map

Physical map of Nova Scotia, physical features of Nova Scotia

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Information about the physical features of Nova Scotia

List of the geographical names of Nova Scotia as shown on the map

Main cities of Nova Scotia:

Amherst, Antigonish, Berwick, Bridgetown, Bridgewater, Chester, Digby, Glace Bay, Halifax, Hantsport, Inverness, Kentville, Liverpool, Louisbourg, Lunenburg, Middleton, New Glasgow, New Waterford, Oxford, Parrsboro, Pictou, Port Hawkesbury, Shelburne, Springhill, Sydney, Truro, Windsor, Wolfville, Yarmouth

Rivers, lakes:

Lake Rossignol

Mountains, regions, landforms of Nova Scotia:

Isthmus of Chignecto, Cape Breton Island, Cobequid Mountains, Cape Breton Highlands, Annapolis Valley, Chebucto Peninsula, Digby Neck

Highest peaks (elevation):

White Hill 535

Seas, bays:

Chedabucto Bay, Bay of Fundy, Northumberland Strait, Cabot Strait, Cobequid Bay, Cumberland Basin

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