Manitoba physical map

Manitoba map

Physical map of Manitoba, physical features of Manitoba

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Information about the physical features of Manitoba

Manitoba is a province of Canada, lying in the southern part of the country, bordering the US, between Saskatchewan and Ontario. The province contains around 110 000 lakes. Manitoba's major lakes are Lake Manitoba, Reindeer Lake and Lake Winnipeg, which is the tenth-largest freshwater lake in the world.
The highes point of Manitoba is Baldy Mountain at 832 metres (2730 ft) above sea level.
Manitoba's capital and most popuplous city is Winnipeg.

Main cities:

Brandon, Dauphin, Flin Flon, Morden, Selkirk, Steinbach, The Pas, Thompson, Winkler, Winnipeg

Major lakes of Manitoba:

Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba, Reindeer Lake, Nueltin Lake, Northern Indian Lake, Cedar Lake, Island Lake, Gods Lake, Knee Lake, Lake Winnipegosis

Mountains, regions:

Duck Mountains, Pembina Mountains, Porcupine Mountains

Rivers of Manitoba:

Churchill, Nelson, Gods, Assiniboine

Highest peaks (elevation):

Baldy Mt. 831
Manitoba relief

Topography of Manitoba, shaded relief physical map of Manitoba

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Other maps of Manitoba

Check our other maps of the state of Manitoba

Manitoba location map
Location map of Manitoba
Manitoba lakes map
Manitoba is a province of around 110 000 lakes that cover approximately 15% of the province' total surface area. Manitoba's most important lakes are Lake Manitoba, Reindeer Lake, Lake Winnipegosis and Lake Winnipeg, which is the tenth-largest freshwater lake in the world.

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