Congo Democratic Republic Physical Map

Congo Democratic Republic Map

Physical map of the Congo Democratic Republic, equirectangular projection

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Congo Democratic Republic physical features

Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly known as Zaire) is located in central Africa, separated by the Equator. The Congo River system dominates the region topographically, which occupies nearly the entire country. The sources of the Congo river are in the highlands and mountains of the East African Rift, as well as Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru.
Mount Stanley is the country's highest point at 5110 meters above sea level.
The capital city is Kinshasa. Other important cities are Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi, Kisangani, Bandundu and Mbandaka. Major rivers are the Congo, Kasai, Sangha, Ubangi, Aruwimi, and Lulonga.

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