Free Printable Maps of Scandinavia

Free printable Scandinavia maps in different formats and various sizes.
Scandinavia printable map

A simple printable map of Scandinavia, illustrating the coastline of the peninsula, one of the most rugged coastlines of the entire globe. Also shows the national country borders.

Click on above map to view higher resolution image

Countries and capitals of Scandinavia
Countries and capitals of Scandinavia and the neighbouring countries, black & white map with labels of capitals and countries
Scandinavia countries
Basic map showing the countries of Scandinavia. Countries color coded in order to easily distinguish. Without any labels or text. Click on image to view in higher resolution, or right click and choose "save as" to save them to your machine.
Scandinavia rivers
Simple river map of Scandinavia, including the rivers and lakes of the regions, without any text or lables. Ideal for educational purposes. Click on image to view in higher resolution, or right click and choose "save as" to save them to your machine.
Scandinavia relief
Topographic or relief map of Scandinavia, showing the main physical features of the region, mountains, water bodies, rivers
Color map of Scandinavia
Countries of Scandinavia colored

Customized Scandinavia maps

Could not find what you're looking for? Need a customized Scandinavia map? We can create the map for you!
Crop a region, add/remove features, change shape, different projections, adjust colors, even add your locations!