Mariana Trench map

Mariana Trench map

Physical Map of the Mariana Trench

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The Mariana Trench is probably the most recognized trench, being located in the western basins of the Pacific Ocean. It is famous for being the deepest part of the Earth's oceans. The deepest part of the Mariana Trench is called Challenger Deep, which can be located at the southern arc of the trench. The depth of Challenger Deep varies between 11,034 and 10,994 meters depending on the measurements. The trench is located between Japan, the Philippines and New Guinea, east of the Mariana Islands, which is where its name come from.

There are a total of five oceanic trenches that reach 10,000 meters depth, all of them can be found in the Pacific Ocean. The Mariana Trench is around 100-150 meters deeper than the second deepest Tonga Trench.

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