Alberta physical map

Alberta map

Physical map of Alberta, physical features of Alberta

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Information about the physical features of Alberta

Alberta is one of the ten provinces of Canada, lying in the southwestern area of the country, between British Columbia and Sasketchewan. The Rocky Mountains form the southwestern border with British Columbia.
Alberta's capital is Edmonton, while the most populous city is Calgary.

List of the geographical names shown on the map

Main cities:

Airdrie, Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat, Red Deer

Largest lakes of Alberta:

Lake Athabasca, Lake Claire, Lesser Slave Lake

Mountains, regions:

Canadian Rockies, Caribou Mountains, Birch Mountains, Buffalo Head Hills, Swan Hills

Rivers of Alberta:

Athabasca, Peace River, North Saskatchewan, Battle, Red Deer

Highest peaks (elevation):

Mt. Columbia 3741, Mt. Assiniboine 3616, Mt. Edith Cavell 3363, Mt. Hector 3394, Mt. Chown 3316, Mt. Forbes 3617, Mt. Fryatt 3361, Mt. Temple 3540, Mt. Joffre 3433
Alberta relief

Topography of Alberta, shaded relief physical map of Alberta

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Alberta location map
Location map of Alberta

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