Detailed HD map of United Kingdom

United Kingdom map editable

HD map of United Kingdom

Click on above map to view higher resolution image

This HD United Kingdom map can also be purchased in a vector graphics format. The .ai and .svg formats make the map fully editable. The package contains a high resolution bitmap image, without any watermark. Image size is 3000 x 4238 pixels. The resolution of the file enables you to print in A/4, A/3 or even A/2 sizes. Two layered vector files are also included. The .ai and .svg file formats make it easy to apply modifications to the map. You can display/hide the layers, adjust text styles etc. An appropriate application is needed to edit the files, for example Inkscape (for svg) or Adobe Illustrator (for .ai).
  • Totally editable in Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape or compatible vector graphics applications.
  • Layered AI and SVG files included for easy editing
  • Objects are grouped and layered
  • Ready to Use and Royalty-Free
  • Immediate download after payment
  • Separate layers for: borders, country labels, major cities of the UK including labels, major road network of the UK
"Old price: $39.99
New price: $14.99
You save $25.00

What does the package contain?

A map of the United KIngdom in three different file formats:

  • A bitmap file in jpg format, 3000 x 4238 pixel in size
  • A layered SVG file for use with Inkscape
  • An Adobe Illustrator compatible AI file

Other United Kingdom maps

UK physical features
Physical map of the UK
UK political maps
Political maps of the United Kingdom

Customized United Kingdom maps

Could not find what you're looking for? Need a customized United Kingdom map? We can create the map for you!
Crop a region, add/remove features, change shape, different projections, adjust colors, even add your locations!
Custom map services
World map illustrator
US map illustrator SVG