South Asia Map

South Asia map

Political map of South Asia

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South Asian Countries: Paradise for Tourist from the Other Continent

South Asia is one of the most heavily populated areas in the world. People from different continents visit to the former Indian subcontinent. There are total eight countries included in this zone. Every one of them is exceptional from the others. These eight countries have formed SAARC for cooperating among themselves in business, politics and trades. Here we are going to get an overview about the South Asian countries individually.

India: The theme of the nation is “Incredible India”. There are thirteen states in this country. The Taj Mahal of Agra is a renowned infrastructure situated in India. Jaipur, the pink city in Rajasthan is also a popular place for the tourists. Every state has own language and culture. Hinduism is the principal religion of this country in South Asia Map.

Bangladesh: This is a green and peaceful nation with a huge amount of population. “Beautiful Bangladesh” is attracting people from all over the world to visit its natural beauty. Cox’s Bazar, Sundarban and so many like them are the main eye-catching sights of Bangladesh. Dhaka is the capital and an important city among the other capitals of South Asian countries.

Pakistan: Pakistan is fully Muslim-oriented nation. The country is famous for making silk cloths.

Sri Lanka: The Daughter of Sea is the proper identification for Sri Lanka. The scenery and coconut in here are world famous. The main food for the nation is sea-fish with rice. Its climate is also friendly for growing any type of crop.

Maldives: More than two thousands attached island has formed this country. It is a volcanic group of island. The main occupation of the people is fishing. Due to the greenhouse effect, this nation is in threat for getting flooded. Life in here goes with the motion of tides.

Bhutan: The real tourist place and tourism is their main source of income. Thimpu is one of the most beautiful capitals in South Asia.

Nepal: When people enter in Nepal that is one of the most beautiful nations of the south Asia countries, it feels like entering in the past. There is only one inconvenient thing about Nepal. Geographers and scientists fear that she will face continuous earthquake for some consecutive years. It has reduced the rate of visiting people. But there is a specialty about it that is not present in any other south Asian countries. Nepal is situated just beside the Himalayas. If someone wants to take a look on the Mount Everest, this is the only place to go. Sherpa is a worldwide famous tribe who help to get on the highest peaks of the world.

Afghanistan: Afghanistan is recovering from the curse of war which is not common in case of the other South Asian countries. Her resources has been destroyed many times by the Taliban.

To visit any of the nations found on the South Asia map, choosing the best season is a must. Otherwise, the weather can be a vital issue regarding natural calamities and beauties. The best time to get in here is late winter season.

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