Borneo map

Borneo map

Map of the Island of Borneo

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Borneo, also called as Kalimantan, is one of the largest islands of the world. It is ranked 3rd in terms of area (after Greenland and New Guinea). The island is shared by three countries, Indonesia takes up the largest segment at the southern, central and eastern regions, Malaysia takes the northwestern part, while the small country of Brunei is located also on the northeastern shores of the island, by the South China Sea.

The two larger countries are separated by a chain of mountains that runs down the central part of the island from the north, Malaysia is located on the northwestern slopes, while Indonesian Borneo occupies the territory to the south and east from these mountain ranges. The highest peak is Kinabalu, lying almost at the very northern tip of the island, on Malaysian territory, reaching approximately 4100 meters height.

The most dominant river is the Kapuas, flowing towards the west from the central mountains, and emptying into the South China Sea. The Mahakam is the major river of the eastern regions, while the Barito flows southwards. The major river of Malaysian Borneo is the Rajang river, which flows in a western direction to reach the South China Sea as well. It is also the longest river of whole Malaysia.

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