Indonesia Physical Map

Indonesia Physical Map

Physical map of Indonesia, equirectangular projection

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Geographical Features of Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has more than seventeen thousand islands. The big five islands are Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java and Irian Jaya. If we look at Indonesia map, there are many small islands. And some of them are popular around the world, such as Bali, Lombok and Komodo. There are also some others that are uninhabited. Besides, four islands are split with the other nations, Kalimantan is split with Malaysia and Brunei, Sebatik is split with Malaysia, Timor is divided with Timor-Leste, and Papua is shared with New Guinea. This country is also has four times the greater area in the sea than in the land. That is why Indonesia is popular with the beautiful seas and beaches. Meanwhile, the land area is broadly covered with tropical forest where the soils are mostly fertile. There are also for about 400 mountainous volcanoes in Indonesia and 100 of them are active. The highest mountain is Jaya Wijaya located in Irian Jaya that has a snow-capped top. There are also many rivers throughout Indonesia. Some of the rivers become the important routes for the certain islands, such as Musi and Kampar in Sumatera, Kapuas and Mahakam in Kalimantan. Meanwhile, some the rivers are useful for the irrigation, such as Bengawan Solo and Brantas. Besides the rivers, Indonesia also has the scenic lake. One of the most popular lakes in the world is Toba in Sumatra. This lake is unique because it is rounded with the island that is called Samosir.

Indonesia geography

Geographic features of Indonesia

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