China Political Map

China political map

China political map

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The People's Republic of China consists of 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities and two Special Administrative Regions.

Provinces of China:

Anhui (安徽)
Fujian (福建)
Gansu (甘肃)
Guangdong (广东)
Guizhou (贵州)
Hainan (海南)
Hebei (河北)
Heilongjiang (黑龙江)
Henan (河南)
Hubei (湖北)
Hunan (湖南)
Jiangsu (江苏)
Jiangxi (江西)
Jilin (吉林)
Liaoning (辽宁)
Qinghai (青海)
Shaanxi (陕西)
Shandong (山东)
Shanxi (山西)
Sichuan (四川)
Yunnan (云南)
Zhejiang (浙江)

Autonomous regions

Guangxi (广西壮族自治区)
Inner Mongolia (内蒙古自治区)
Ningxia (宁夏回族自治区)
Xinjiang (新疆维吾尔自治区)
Tibet (西藏自治区)


Beijing (北京市)
Chongqing (重庆市)
Shanghai (上海市)
Tianjin (天津市)

Special Administrative Regions

Hong Kong
China provinces

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