Central Africa Physical Map

Central Africa Map

Physical map of Central Africa, equirectangular projection

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Central Africa physical features

The Central African Republic is a landlocked country located in the central part of the African continent. The country is dominated by flat Savanna. In the northeast lie the Bongos Mountains Hills, and there are also scattered hills in southwest part of the country. To the northwest is the Karre Mountains, a granite plateau.
Much of the southern border is formed by tributaries of the Congo River. The eastern border lies along the edge of the Nile river watershed. Important rivers are Ubangi, Mambéré, Ouara, Kotto and Shari.
Mont Ngaoui is the country's highest point at 1410 meters above sea level.
The capital city is Bangui. Other important cities are Mbaiki, Bangassou, Baboua, Sibut and Birua.

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