List of the major landforms, physical features of the world, that are shown on the map:
Nile, Niger, Congo, Zambezi, Amazon, Mississippi, Paraná, Mackenzie, Yukon, Ob , Mekong, Lena, Yangtze, Amur , Ganges, Yellow River, Yenisei, Indus, Amu Darya, Irrawaddy, Syr Darya, VolgaMountains, regions:
Appalachian Mountains, Atlas, Taurus, Ural, Central Siberian Plateau, Himalayas, Plateau of Tibet, Iranian Plateau, Brazilian Highlands, Tian Shan, AltaiRegions, plains, other landforms:
Congo Basin, West Siberian Plain, Sahara, Amazon basin, Arabian Peninsula, Maghreb, Middle East, SibérieIslands:
Greenland, Iceland, Madagascar, New Guinea, Japan IslandsHighest peaks (elevation):
Denali 6194, Mount Rainier 4393, Citlaltépetl 5636, Chimborazo 6267, Aconcagua 6962, Kilimanjaro 5895, Elbrus 5642, Mont Blanc 4807, K2 8611, Mt. Everest 8848, Fuji San 3776, Puncak Jaya 4884, Mt. Cook 3755, Mount Cameroon 4040, Mauna Kea 4205Oceans, Seas of the world:
Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Guinea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Baffin Sea, Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, Hudson Bay, Laptev Sea, Kara Sea, East Siberian Sea, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Red Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, South China Sea, East China Sea, Coral Sea, East Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Tasman SeaHypsometric physical world map

Physical map of the World, Miller cylindrical projection.
Showing continents and oceans of the world.
Showing continents and oceans of the world.