Piedmont (Italian: Piemonte) is a region of northwestern Italy.
Piedmont is surrounded on three sides by the Alps mountain range, including the Monviso, where the Po River rises
The region also contains major industrial centres, notably Turin (Torino).
Apart from the provincial capitals, other notable cities are Vercelli, Verbania, Moncalieri, Rivoli, Ivrea.
Rivers, lakes: Po, Lago Maggiore
Cities: Alba, Asti, Biella, Bra, Carmagnola, Casale Monferrato, Chieri, Cuneo, Fossano, Nichelino, Novara, Novi Ligure, Pinerolo, Rivoli, Settimo Torinese, Tortona, Turin , Venaria Reale, Vercelli,
Peaks (elevation in meters): Monte Rosa 4634 (Dufourspitze), Monte Viso 3841, Gran Paradiso 4061, Monte Togano 2299, Cima Sud Argentera 3297, Mont Chaberton 3131, Monte Limidario 2188, Monte Leone 3553, Monte Mottarone 1491, Aiguille De Scolette 3506, Corno Cieco 3374, Pizzo Cervandone 3211, Mongioia 3340, Roche Bernaude 3222, Ciantiplagna 2849, Bric Froid 3302, Cima Die Gelas 3143, Gran Ciamarella 3676, Monte Tagliaferro 2964, Cima Di Bo 2555
Physical map of Piedmont
Physical map of Piedmont (Italy)
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