Physical map of Apulia

Apulia map

Physical map of Apulia (Italy)

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Physical features of Apulia

Apulia is a region in southeastern Italy, occupying the "heel" of the Italian "boot". Its capital is Bari, other cities include Lecce, Foggia, Brindisi, Taranto, Trani and Altamura.
Apulia is bordered by other Italian regions of Basilicata on the south, Molise and Campania on the west. It is surrounded by the Adriatic Sea and the Gulf of Taranto on the north, east and south.

Apulia is generally flat, except for the Gargano Peninsula, the Capitanata and Le Murge, where the hills of the region can be found.

Cities: Altamura, Andria, Bari, Barletta, Bisceglie, Bitonto, Brindisi, Cerignola, Corato, Fasano, Foggia, Francavilla Fontana, Galatina, Gioia del Colle, Grottaglie, Lecce, Lucera, Manduria, Manfredonia, Martina Franca, Massafra, Mesagne, Modugno, Molfetta, Monopoli, Nardò, Noicattaro, Ostuni, Putignano, San Giovanni Rotondo, San Severo, Taranto, Terlizzi, Trani, Triggiano
Peaks (elevation in meters): Monte Calvo 1065, Monte Cornacchia 1151
Rivers, bodies of water: Gulf of Manfredonia, Gulf of Taranto, Adriatic Sea, Ofanto
Mountains, regions, islands: Gargano Peninsula, Murgia, Tavoliere, Monti Dauni

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