Asia Centric World map

Asia centered world map

Physical World map centered on the Asian continent and Pacific regions

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This Asia-centered world map has Asia and the Pacific regions in its central part, while the American continent occupies the right side, Europe and Africa shares the left side of the map. The central meridian is shifted to the 150 East longitude. The map is projected using the Miller Cylindrical projection, creating a rectangular shape.

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Map features:
  • Includes relief in both land and water areas.
  • 5000x3000 pixels, which fits around 42x25 cm, or 16x10" for best print quality at 300dpi.
  • A spectacular color illustration showing the entire world, a bit different from the "usual" world maps.
  • Prices include Standard Royalty-Free License perfect for most needs.
  • Immediate Download after purchasing, download link will be included in your confirmation email.

Best price: $19.99

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