Physical map of the Northeastern US

Northeastern US Physical Map

Physical map of the Northeastern US

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Northeast region of the United States  is also known by  North East, is one of the four geographical region of  the United States  of  America, containing  a geographical area  of 469,630 km-square bounded by Canada on its north, Atlantic ocean toward its east, Southern United-States on its south and Midwestern united states on its west. According to  the census bureau northeastern region is divided  into  nine states and the Association of American Geographers has divided Northeast region of  the United States  divided the into two sub regions, New England and Middle States. The New-England comprises New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut and Middle-States includes New-York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware. The northeastern region has a diverse variety of geography, a broad coastal plain line, the Atlantic shores, temperate forests and areas further inland feature rolling hills. Western area of Northeastern US map consists of long and wide, low mountain ranges.

Appalachian Mountains  consist  of The blue mountains in Pennsylvania,  blue hills in New Jersey, Case mountains in Connecticut, green mountain in Vermont and white mountains in New-Hampshire.  Mount Washington and the New-Hampshire is the  North East highest peak having  an altitude  of 1917 meters, with a reputation of  the world worst weather.

New  England along  rolling  Hills Mountains  having coastline are glacial landforms. There is coastline of Maine with many shores with also typical glacial landforms. There are many small islands in the Atlantic water of the state of Maine. The New England coast extending from the  northeastern  main to south Western Connecticut is a mixture of sandy  beach, rocky  terrain, hills, lakes and swamps. The Atlantic-Coast is relatively low compared to Pacific-Coast. The main pattern continues from north part of New  England through the middle of  Atlantic  states further toward south, it consists of coastal plain and their  clash in mountain ranges. Coastal plain lies between the  Atlantic  Ocean and the foothills of Appalachian  Mountains,  which stretches from New-Jersey  to the south.  The  coastal  plain is narrow in the north where  Boston  and  New York  City is located; it becomes somewhat wider toward the south.

Northeast US geography

Geographical features of the Northeastern U.S.

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