Siberia map

Siberia map

Physical map of Siberia, Eastern Russia
Showing the geographic features of Siberia, including the major mountain ranges, major rivers, etc.

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Physical features of Siberia

Siberia occupies the whole northern part of Aisa, which is also the central and eastern part of Russia. It extends from the Ural mountains to the Pacific ocean, from the Arctic ocean to Mongolia.

Major mountain ranges in Siberia include the Ural Mountains which also mark the western border of the region, the Altai and Saian Mountains in the south, Stanovoy Range, Kolyma Mountains, Verkhoyansk Mountains lying further on the east.

What are the highest peaks in Siberia?

The highest mountain in Siberia is the Klyuchevskaya Sopka, which is also the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. It has a height of 15,580 feet or 4,750 meters above sea level, and is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Belukha Mountain in the central-Asian Altai Mountains reaches a height of 14,780 feet or 4,506 meters.

What are the major rivers of Siberia?

The three major rivers of Siberia are the Ob, Yenisei and Lena, all of them flowing from the central Asian mountain ranges northwards to reach the Arctic Ocean. Besides these three huge rivers, other notable rivers in the region are the Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, Amur, Lower Tunguska, Anadyr, Angara, Selenga, Tom.

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